How to Win Friends and Influence People
The book can help you achieve these important goals:
Get out of a mental rut, think new thoughts, acquire new visions, discover new ambitions;
Make friends easily and quickly;
Increase your popularity;
Win people to your way of thinking;
Increase your influence, your prestige, your ability to get things done;
Handle complaints, avoid arguments;
Become a better speaker and more entertaining conversationalist
Dale Carnegie's teachings and human relations principles form part of the core methodology of the Dale Carnegie soft skills and professional development training courses.
Dale Carnegie's Principles
Dale Carnegie's principles from 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' are timeless, seamlessly adapting to today's workplace dynamics. By bringing empathy, respect, and authenticity into your both digital and in-person interactions, you can cultivate strong relationships, advance your career, and drive positive change within your workplace.
The iconic bestseller.
Dale Carnegie's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is the world's benchmark business and personal development book, consistently listed in top business must-read lists and a staple of business curriculum around the world. With over 30 million copies sold worldwide since it was published in 1936, it's one of the most groundbreaking and ageless bestsellers and the rock-solid, time-tested advice has helped countless people to work, communicate and manage better.
Our Proof is in Our History
Over the course of the past 100 years in business, Dale Carnegie has witnessed the world experiencing its most rapid cycles of change and advancement. We have been at the forefront, guiding our clients to outpace their competition.
Dale Carnegie, the Man
Who was Dale Carnegie? First you must understand who he was not. Dale Carnegie was not a man afraid to pursue his dreams. Dale Carnegie was not someone who was hesitant to roll up his sleeves, logging hours in his pursuit of personal growth. And most of all, Dale Carnegie was not a stranger to success.
What We Believe In
Carnegie recognised that many people, including himself, were held back by their fears, doubts, and the availability of learning resources.
Eventually, he would use the Dale Carnegie Course as a forum to offer help to those with a natural fear of public speaking and other issues that plague the modern professional, thereby offering anyone who enrols a new hold on life.

Our mission is to provide people everywhere with better, richer, more fulfilling relationships and a better way of life — both professionally and personally.

Our vision remains true to Dale Carnegie’s original dream; to impact as many lives as possible through the transformational, self-improvement experiences only we offer.

We still believe in the principles and teachings of Dale Carnegie and will always conduct ourselves and our business ethically and with a profound sense of duty to human nature.