Dale Carnegie Australia and St Philip’s Christian College Dale Young Parents announce partnership to empower youth to complete their education and develop the essential employability skills to create bright futures. This partnership is one of particular significance at present, given that the latest Australia Bureau of Statistics report shows that the proportions of young people who were not engaged in any employment or study increased in 2020 up to 12% compared with 8% in 2019.
“Skills gap studies conducted recently continue to show the importance of soft skills including communication, collaboration and problem solving (creativity) as just as – if not more – important for hiring talent to meet workplace demands. As developing interpersonal and soft skills is core to our people development business, it felt only natural to partner with Dale Young Parents to supplement the great work they do in improving high school completion rates and supporting youth as they prepare for young adulthood,” remarks Jessica Gopalan, Marketing Manager for Dale Carnegie Australia.
Dale Young Parents has been operating since 2000, designed to meet the need of young parent’s wanting to complete their education while parenting, but who found the barriers too challenging to succeed.
With two campuses located in Waratah and Wyong, Dale Young Parents provides flexible learning environments set within the Young Parents' Hub which provides an ecosystem of partnerships to empower and equip young parents to thrive.

This collaborative model of dual generational, holistic education and parent support, ultimately results in a confident and school-ready child and a confident HSC graduate, with the skills and qualifications to continue on to tertiary education or a meaningful career pathway.
The partnership with Dale Carnegie Training involves development workshops provided to the graduating students which focuses on building self-confidence, communication skills and the interpersonal skills required to transition from school education into their next step – whether that be higher education, apprenticeships or employment.

Scholarship places on the Dale Carnegie immersive program will also be awarded to two top achievers during their annual graduation ceremony. On the partnership, Jamie Boys, Head of Communication and Development says “I really feel we are at the beginning of an inspiring and impactful partnership and am excited to see this evolve.”
To learn more about Dale Carnegie, including learning and development partnerships for community and non-for-profit like St Philip’s Christian College, visit https://www.dalecarnegietraining.com.au/community