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Stop Doing, Start Leading

Stop Doing, Start Leading


This is a two-day program aimed at improving the skill sets and mindsets of leaders and those in people management positions to stop doing, and start leading. The program includes a virtual awareness and sustainment session to ensure you get the most out of your experience.

Stop Doing, Start Leading takes a different approach from traditional leadership programs by focusing on bringing out the greatness that already exists within you. Together, we will identify and build upon your unique strengths, values, and experiences to become the leader you always wish you had. This program is specifically designed to address the challenges that new leaders face, to help them change their mindset, and to give them confidence with proven strategies and tools that are used by the most successful leaders.


At the completion of the program you will be able to:

  • Convey honesty, integrity, and accountability
  • Use authority and influence appropriately
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Model effective interpersonal communication


Throughout the program participants develop their Leadership Impact Plan. At the conclusion of the training each leader comes away with a customized, practical guide for developing their competencies and putting their new leadership skills into action.


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